Thursday, March 25, 2010

Links I like -

In an effort to create what I'm hoping will become a weekly feature on this blog, I have decided to highlight links I like. Why? Because a good researcher looks for multiple sources, cross-references and makes judgments for themselves rather than rely on one person's (albeit educated) opinion. Perhaps I've been in grad school too long. We won't talk about that here.



This has more or less been my...what's a Warcraft equivalent to the Bible?

This has been my WoWhead for all things moonkin since I was still resto. The people behind have included specs, glyph choices, gear choices for most levels, videos and patch notes in their information mammoth of a website.

The creators of even have a Moonkin PVP page. They also have an arena page, but I'll let you go to the site and find it for yourself.

On the Moonkin PVP page, the creators proposed a PVP spec which is only current as far as 3.1. I disagree with the glyphs, but I think barkskin was among the new wave of glyphs, so I don't fault them for that. I never thought of including glyph of innervate, but I don't think I would, simply because if I have to innervate myself, the fight is probably almost over anyway.

Other than that, I adore the website as a whole. After I created this blog, I decided to look at to see if they had a PVP section, and I was delighted to see that it EXISTS. It just goes to show that they are a pretty well-rounded theorycrafting website.

Enjoy, and happy PVPing!

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