Tuesday, April 6, 2010

(Belated) Links I Like - WoW Ladies

Yes, this post is later than I wanted it to be, but that's because this past weekend was Easter, and I spent the entire weekend eating free food and drinking with the in-laws.

*pops chocolate egg into mouth*

I also had a bit of a stressful week as I waited for something IRL to rear its ugly head, but when it did, it turned out to not be so much ugly as life-changing. :3 But that's a bit too much off-topic-ness for now.

Now this might come as a shock to you, but I'm a girl.

[Obligatory shock break for gasps and mumbled commentary on how girls don't exist on the internet]

When I first started playing WoW, I wanted to try and find a relatively inclusive community to call my home, since in the very beginning, I *did* face a lot of cries of "tits or gtfo" and less-than-equal treatment for having lady bits behind the keyboard. Lo and behold, I found WoW Ladies.

Let it be known now that it's not JUST a community for women to chat about WoW. If you have an inclusive mindset, the community welcomes anyone of any gender. It is also an increasingly informative space for people who play WoW. I tend to go to WoW Ladies to read about upcoming patches, strategies for some bosses (or questions about said strategies), and the handy tags on the right-hand side of the screen can take me to posts about druids, arenas, pvp...the community is a veritable database of queries and relatively up-to-date information about just about any aspect of the game.

All that being said, if you decide to go there with the express purpose of being a sexist prick, you WILL be laughed out quite quickly. It is an inclusive safe space, so any and all hate language is not tolerated in the slightest. Consider that your only warning!

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